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One person did not create everything on this planet and everything around us (the universe) in 7 days. He doesn't exist. There is no solid evidence that he does. All we see is a bunch of stories that say that he does. What tha!

Any way I sway to the idea that evolution occurred and that we do not relate to monkeys but something in between that was either wiped out or is at the bottom of the ocean where we can’t explore due to high pressures.

While earth may of had life on it previously before the asteroid strike from mars, which may of contained life. It is high likely that when the asteroid hit earth it wiped out most of the existing life forms but with the asteroid it brought new life (us, humans) and other animals.

The life on earth prior to the asteroid may of been vegetation or even animals (If a plant lives and a dog lives does that mean that they are both animals?)

Any way if you believe that one being made all of us and our environment (and lately the church seem to have changed their saying that god created earth to god created the universe. Which was written by god (bible)) cough cough. You all have to be crazy.... We are either a natural mistake (mutilation of another species which is also known as evolution) or we just don't exist much like the matrix. What is real and what is not?

If a paraplegic cant feel the chair does it mean that the chair does not exist? If the paraplegic were blind would he not be able to visualise the chair to verify that it exists?

What I was trying to say if you couldn’t understand that. Is that if you are unable to verify the things that supposedly exist around you does it mean that in actual fact the object does not exist. Etc. God. and also everything around you.

Remember you as a person are just mass and electrical signals going back and forth.

Nothing is real. And Nothing exists.

Hey one more thing. "Yes my lord I will re-write the bible and tell the people that hell does exist." Was jesus schizophrenic is that why so many things in the bible contradict it self? Or was it that the people writing it forgot what this supposed supreme being said to them in their dream?

If you would like to contact me to discuss this further or would like to purchase my book "The Creation of A False Nation" by me (for privacy I won't put my real name here.)

Here is my email address.
