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Greetings and Well come in the name of His Imperial Magesty Hallie Selassie I. JAH. Ras Tafari. I-man am, have been and will be Rasta. From creation to everlasting. InI are here for the edification of all peoples without regaurd of melanin levels. A man/woman's skin color is of no importance, other than how it helps we to survive in that place which JAH has placed us. Each of we must do our part along the way. InI come to shine the light of JAH and not to master. I-man was founded in this time as of April 22, 1966. Meer hours after the Grounation. Praise JAH! Itinually. Though I AM Rasta, I was not raised with this conscience, but was raised in another culture. Although I was raised in it I was aware that I did not belong to it. As I reached the age of manhood I asked my parents if I might seek and become what I am, and always had been (though unexpressed.) Of course they say that I may, for how can anyone keep another from being what they are? I know that it has not been easy for them to see I-man move from where I am a man with out opposition and ease to become a Man of reality and struggle for Justice, Truth and Right. Praise JAH itinually onward ever after.