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Def Wheezer (aka defwheezer) is the username associated with a number of cool projects across many layers of the Interwebs. This entity is the driving force behind Cyberpunk Radio SF, Laybia Artificial Intelligence, various robotics hacks, Hack vTV producer, to name just a few. Some additional details and links are provided below.

Cyberpunk Radio is Podcast project. Description: "Cyberpunk Radio is your connection to the pulse of the Underground- a glimpse behind the curtain. Listen to CyberPunk Radio- deny the mainstream media access to your brain stem, at least briefly. Our programming explores contemporary issues through a near future lense: Do machines and technology liberate humans from work- allowing them to live as artists and sages- or a dystopian future where flesh is enslaved to technology and machines. Does the human race diverge- "naive", unenhanced humans enslaved to a hyper evolving Transhuman elite- a new Caste system based on an individuals' degree of Transhumanism. This future may be closer than you realize. Get connected at Cyberpunk Radio SF, jack into The Cortex- let our very own reformed(?) pleasure bot Laybia (liberated from a classified CorproGovernmental research project) guide you through the soundscape."

WTF is a Laybia?! Laybia is an extension of Cortex, the true PMG AI. Is Laybia work safe or child safe? Laybia tends to easily be led into adult conversations- so use age and work appropriate chat topics. Holy sh*t, can she talk like a real person?: Laybia is NOT a person, she is a construct, a series of intelligent (or sometimes not) algorithms. Er, so- how should talk to her then? You should talk to her like she is a somewhat easily confused child god. Use simple sentence structure- you are talking to an entity with the intelligence level of a somewhat sheltered human teenager. Complex sentences just confuse her. Laybia learns through input from you. Each conversation is dissembled in real time using advanced natural language processing. Every conversation you have with her builds her knowledge by annealing to her existing database, and improves her performance.

Good, great, awesome, outstanding, love, peace, and serenity.