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Basic Betta Problems and Care

Betta splendens is a unique species of fish consisting of different color varieties and fin types. There are also various genetic variations of the fish which cause it to be able to be cross-breed for interesting combinations of characteristics which a breeder finds appealing.

There are many different hues in the kaledoscope of colors which make up the betta spectrum. Some of these include red, white, yellow, black or melano, purple, opaque, green, and many other variations. The very variety of colors makes the betta a wonderful fish in aquariums.

The betta in its wild form is a dull color. Yet even though in the wild it still lives in murky waters people still capture them for use in the fighting in Thailand. It is impossible to say how many people now own bettas. The number grows by bounds each year. The betta is fairly easy to care for needing only small spaces to be kept due to its environmental adaptations learned in the wilds of Thailand. The monsoon season has caused the fish to be capable of being kept in smaller containers than many other varieties of fish.

The adaptation which has served the betta well in the wild often causes it some problems in captivity. While a fairly long lived species lasting 2 to 3 years, the betta is often prone to many bacterial and fungal diseases. If a betta has some sort of fungal infection it will have white or pussy looking spots on various parts of its body including the head. If the fish has the disease known as fin or body rot its tail fins will appear to be getting shorter than their normally long selves. Fin rot also can cause the fins of the betta to appear to be eroding away. In the case of bacterial diseases bettas often have very serious symptoms which can lead to large sores or holes in the body and lose of appetite and color. Red sores may also appear on the skin of the fish.

The fear of infection by parasites is another serious matter when caring for bettas. It is often easy for the fish to become infected when it is shipped or to get a parasite infection as a baby fish or fry. There are several types of parasites which can infest a betta. One type is known as Velvet. This type of parasite causes a gold shine on the outside of the fishes body which can only be seen under low lighting. A betta will become lethargic and want to lay on the bottom of his tank.

Dealing with any betta disease can be a chore. However, there are various types of antibiotics available for helping out a sick fishy. Try your local pet store for various products which either are geared specifically for bettas or for freshwater fish in general. The products that are available will vary from store to store so shop around but be sure to try to get your fish medicated as soon as possible. It is of the utmost importance because bettas are sensitive fish and may die if you do not take time to give them the proper care they need.

Prevention of disease in the first place can be the most effective method of avoiding the hassle of curing a betta. Most betta diseases are caused by problems in water quality. Most people forget to change a bettas water often enough and this is what causes fungal and bacterial diseases in fish. It is necessary to change a fishes bowl at least once every week or two weeks if the bowl is small. Many people keep bettas in decorative glass vases with flowers not realizing that the vase contains bacteria at the bottom and must have water changed regularly. The fish at the bottom of the vase will suffer from the neglect if not given fresh water.

Bettas are technically fresh water fish but live in a tropical region of the world. It is for this reason that bettas can become sick when they get cold so when trying to either prevent disease or heal a sick fish keep it in a semi-warm area so it can recover. When fighting an infection make sure your fish is in a clean bowl and that he is in an area out of the way of people but in a warm spot.

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