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User:LinkBot/suggestions/All Souls Day

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An automated Wikipedia link suggester has suggested 5 possible wiki links and 3 possible backlinks for the All_Souls_Day article:

The article text has not been changed in any way; Some of these suggestions may be wrong, some may be right; Any edits to this page will be lost when LinkBot is next run.
I like it, I hate it, Please don't link toLinkBot 00:56, 18 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Outward links[edit]

  • Can link a special day: ...festival of the first class. The practice of setting apart a special day for intercession for certain of the faithful departed is of...
  • Can link Holy Land: ...St Odilo.'' According to this, a pilgrim returning from the Holy Land was cast by a storm on a desolate island where dwelt a herm...
  • Can link Acta Sanctorum: ...cree ordaining the celebration is printed in the Bollandist Acta Sanctorum (Saec. VI, pt. i. p. 585). From Cluny the custom spread t...
  • Can link French people: ...es strongly in popular custom. Just as it is the custom of French people, of all ranks and creeds, to decorate the graves of their d...
  • Can link holy water: ...and to toll the hollow of the [[tomb stone|tombstone]] with holy water or to pour libations of milk upon it, and at bedtime the su...

Inward links[edit]

Additionally, there are some other articles which may be able to linked to this one (also known as "backlinks"):

  • In Halloween, can backlink All Souls Day: ...]] customs associated with [[Yuletide]]. On [[November 2]], All Souls Day, Beggars would walk from village to village begging for "so...
  • In Christianization, can backlink All Souls' Day: ..., in the 11th century, the church would make [[November 2]] All Souls' Day, a day to honor ''all the dead'': all the Christian souls i...
  • In Soulcake, can backlink All Souls' Day: ...attersons) was sung on All Hallows (that is, Halloween and All Souls' Day) by children who would go from door to door asking for pen...