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Matthew Stanton switched from a career as an award-winning newspaper reporter and editor to become a designer of Web journalism and online products in 1997. After developing new Web products for Gannett Corp., Stanton joined the online team of Journal Interactive producing the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's Web site and OnWisconsin.com network. (Journal Sentinel Inc. is a subsidiary of Journal Communications, a diversified media and communications company with operations in publishing, radio and television broadcasting, telecommunications and printing services.)

Stanton's interactive work for commercial clients has ranged from the Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club to Pepsi Bottling Co. and has won extensive national recognition, including multiple NAA Digital Edge awards. He also has worked as an adjunct faculty member in the University of Wisconsin system and lectured in other universities' new media programs.

Stanton currently serves as a manager and design editor for several ongoing editorial projects. He also maintains metromemetics.com, a Web site intended for students, instructors and professionals involved in new media design.