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User:Tom Palven

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Orwellian Newspeak

  For months the US news media have accepted the term "insurgents" for those fighting against the US-installed Vichy-type government in Iraq, rather than using the usually accepted term "the resistance" for those fighting against foreign occupation.  On  October 23,  Army propagandists went a step further:  In an Associated Press article run in Gannett newspapers under the heading "U.S. Marines, insurgents clash again in Fallujah"  it was reported that "The U.S. command said it had no information on 'anti-Iraq forces' killed." 
  The U.S. Army referred to native Iraqis fighting against foreign occupation as "anti-Iraq forces", and the Associated Press first put quotations around the term.  Later in the article it was reported that "Multiple secondary explosions were seen but the military said it had no information on anti-Iraq forces killed", and this time "anti-Iraq forces" were not in quotations, so it is possible that we will be seeing more of this term.   Using these new, Orwellian definitions, those in Holland fighting against German occupation during WW II were not "the Dutch Resistance",  but "anti-Holland insurgents".

Tom Palven