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Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/AG I

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This page depends on Esperanto etymology. It can be used as an anchor to the etymological explanation of the words coming from the indo-european radical - AG. This can later be expanded to other languages than English or Esperanto. One interest of etymology is to understand the relationship between different languages.

  1. Who decides what pages are candidates for deletion?
  2. Who votes against deletion?
  3. What are the criteria for deletion?
  4. Where are the deletion guidelines?

It would be nice to have a link to them from the message :

"This page has been listed on Wikipedia:Votes for deletion. Please see its entry on that page for justifications 
and discussion. If you don't want the page deleted, please read the deletion guidelines and vote against its
deletion there; please do not remove this notice or blank this page while the question is being considered."
