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Mimko is the pseudonym for my wife. She is the most loving and wonderful wife I possible could have found, even when she is absolutly livid with me. Ontop of this, she is an extremely interesting person; her current studies include occultism, primative pottery, and graphic design. She speaks several languages, including Russian, Italian, and Czech, amongst others. Her native language is Bulgarian, but she loves Italian best. She is, of course, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, but I cannot share that with you =). As of 2005 we have been married for three months and together of three years.

Her psedonym comes from the way that some names in Bulgarian can be manipulated by herself and I. My name, Stefan can be shortened to Stefko (very colloquial). Her brother refers to her as mims; It took this and added 'ko', hence mimko. It is not proper to nor polite to leave a name in lowercase, and hence she is Mimko!

  Love  Stefan