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User:Brad Smith

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My name's Brad Smith. I'm 40--born 25 February 1965 in Ontario, Oregon. White Anglo-Saxon Deist Libertarian Transhumanist SF/Fantasy/Horror fanboy and writer. As to what I look like, imagine Jerry Doyle (Garibaldi of Babylon-5) with a few extra kilos or so.

I'm a fifth-generation Oregonian, although I've lived in Nebraska and now am in Tennessee; I'm planning on moving west, going back to Oregon someday. I moved to Tennessee because the love of my life lives here and we were married Halloween 2004. I'm a Deist and a Libertarian; Andrea is pagan and a retired police officer. She has Lupus and has been dealing with it for the last six years.

I've been a clerk, a bouncer, short-order cook, theater-tech, a private secuirty guard, served in the Air National Guard, worked in a military surplus store, a liquor store, a video-store clerk, and now work in a warehouse, working the nightshift. I also spent six months or so working for a weekly newspaper, the North Platte Bulletin (link titlewww.northplattebulletin.com) . . . . All because I'm busy trying to establish myself as a professional, working writer.

I love TV/films, reading (I have over 900 books in my private library), photography, the Internet, the paranormal, the occult, role-playing games, religions, philosophy, history, trivia, conspiracy theories, science, dinosaurs, Asian cinema, anime/manga, Transhumanism, Libertarianism, Deism, Shakespeare, Oregon . . . . I also love the films of Kurosawa Akira and now own Seven Samurai, The Hidden Fortress, Yojimbo, Sanjuro, Throne of Blood, Kagemusha and Ran. All save Ran are Criterion Edition DVDs.

I'm working a novel, I call it "cyberspace opera," called Fortune's Knight Errant. I took my love of space opera, threw in elements of anime/manga, exotic sciences such as nanotechnology and genetic engineering, politics, military history . . . . And put them all together into a good adventure story. It's like Richard Sharpe or Horatio Hornblower meeting the Lensman, Cthulhu, battle meks, synthetic intelligences, and the like.

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